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Safety in Construction

Every year thousands of Construction Site workers are injured or killed while performing their work.  And one of the Top 5 frequent causes of accidental death and injury, as identified by the UK Government’s Health & Safety Executive, is Mobile Plant.

Construction plant can be heavy and often operates on ground which is muddy and uneven, and where driver visibility is poor.  Moving vehicles, especially reversing ones, are highlighted as significant cause of injury or death to people working on site.

In response to the call to improve safety, more and more vehicle operators are installing Labcraft’s award winning Banksman Manoeuvring System.

Take a closer look at how the Banksman System works: Safety in Construction

Labcraft sincerely believe that installing a Banksman System will significantly improve safety for the driver and 3rd parties, helping to reduce the pain and suffering to construction workers and their families who are affected by the accidents, which so tragically afflict this industry.


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